App for connecting the Redsys payment system to the online store in Bitrix24
Eager to start selling online? Create your online store in Bitrix24 and accept e-payments right from the start.
Integration with Redsys allows customers to pay for their purchases in a convenient way and does not require any extra effort from you. Install the app, connect Redsys to your Bitrix24 in one step, and start selling.
How to work with the app
- Install the app in your Bitrix24.
- Open the app page and fill out your Redsys account info.
- Click Save, and the payment system will get automatically connected to CRM and all the online stores associated with this Bitrix24 account.
The app is free for the trial period of 14 days. After the trial period, €120 a year.
To buy the app, text us in Chat, and we will contact you right back.